SlipStream Social Media
Delivering powerful media & marketing solutions. To get you results.
Media Strategy
Develop and implement social media strategies, to ensure effectiveness and encouraging adoption of relevant social media techniques into the into your company’s products and services.
Digital Marketing
Develop and manage online marketing campaigns to effectively drive brand awareness, engagement and traffic to web social media pages.
Branding & Identity
Develop and manage online marketing campaigns to effectively driving brand awareness, engagement and traffic to web and social media pages.
Develope and procurement of overall web content management. Perform web content management tasks, online research, and supplying essential data.
UX/Interactive Design
Enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty by improving the usability, ease of use, and pleasure provided in the interaction between the customer and the product.
Social Marketing
Manage presence in social networking sites including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, posting on relevant blogs, and seeding content into social applications.